Lawyer-Based Credit Repair vs Traditional Credit Repair

The credit repair industry is evolving. Traditional “strategies” are outdated methods that no longer work effectively. If your poor credit score is holding you back, you’ll want to consider lawyer-based credit repair. It makes all the difference in the new wave of credit restoration.

Keep reading for more about an aggressive system that actually gets the job done in today’s fast-paced world.

Lawyer-Based Credit Repair Programs Get Results

Think about all the information we’re inundated with every day. Creditors and bureaus also see that flux of news, emails, requests, etc. What happens when traditional form dispute letters hit their inbox? What happens when inexperienced individuals are working on your behalf?


Not much. And you won’t see lasting results quickly. So many credit companies in Texas and beyond are running scams essentially. They don’t employ the necessary professionals that credit repair demands now.

You need a credit analyst and a team of researchers on your side. That’s what we offer here at White, Jacobs & Associates (WJA). And during the final two rounds of our aggressive 4-round audit, our in-house attorney steps in.

In-House Law Office

This kind of program sets us apart from the rest. We have an actual in-house lawyer working on all our cases. It’s why we have you sign an LPOA (Limited Power of Attorney). Give us a call today. And we encourage you to ask your WJA credit analyst the name of the attorney. They’ll give you that information and discuss a game plan customized to you.

Dispute vs. Audits

Nearly all credit companies out there are sending out disputes. And you may see a bit of temporary success with that. Most importantly, you can send disputes yourself. Don’t pay a company to do something you could do on your own.

Attorney-engaged audits are different. They play a vital role in our success here at WJA. We don’t repeatedly send out disputes. We get down to business. We demand proof of creditors’ abilities to report items on your credit. When we discover imperfect and inaccurate items reporting, those derogatory marks get deleted. Audits are powerful.

Enforcing Credit Laws

How is all of this possible? Well, we’re in tune with consumer credit laws. With our in-house law office, we’re enforcing the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), the Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA), the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA), and HIPPA laws.

A Lawyer-Based Credit Repair Plan for You!

All of this takes time and ample resources, and that’s why more credit companies aren’t buying in. You’ve got to have strategic analysts, a research team, and an attorney. You’re in luck because we do have all that. And we’re ready to talk to you and see if you’re a good fit for our proven repair process.

Whether you’re looking for credit repair in Texas or elsewhere, you’re right where you need to be. Contact us today for a no-cost consultation.

Our mission? We’ll look for inconsistencies, demand lawful action, and customize the system to fit your needs. We’ll get you your buying power back.

You won’t be just another customer to us. You’ll be our client. We’ll coach you into better credit and all the possibility that comes with that.

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